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    Philadelphia CLUW along with 40 local unions and allied organizations sent a letter to Philadelphia Mayor Kenney asking him to meet the needs of all Essential Workers in Philadelphia.
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    Apr 09, 2025
    Philadelphia AFL-CIO 22 South 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Philadelphia, Pa.
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    May 14, 2025
    Philadelphia AFL-CIO 22 South 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Philadelphia, Pa.
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    Philadelphia AFL-CIO 22 South 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Philadelphia, Pa.
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    Updated On: Apr 01, 2018

    You’re Invited to…                                                                          



    Monday, April 2, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. - Workers United Joint Board Room

    22 S. 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Philadelphia PA 19103

    (Limited parking available in adjacent garage after 5:00pm)

    Over the years, many women have come to CLUW for advice and support when they have been subjected to humiliating, traumatizing and frightening actions by coworkers and supervisory personnel.  Some of these women worked for the City of Philadelphia, including several in the Police and Fire Departments, and they told us some horrifying stories.  While Philly CLUW was able to provide moral support and some legal advice or referrals, the truth is that most of these women had little recourse.  The climate in the workplace was such that they felt making complaints would bring more harm to them than it would to the perpetrators, and could jeopardize their opportunities for promotion and advancement in their careers.  They feared for their own safety and even for their families.  More than one sought counseling or medication, and some felt they had to leave jobs they loved rather than continue working in such a toxic environment.

    Join Us for a discussion on Sexual Harassment, #MeToo, #TimesUp, Bills in Philadelphia and Harrisburg to protect Staffers and workers from Sexual Harassment.

    Women Against Abuse is the only union-staffed shelter in Philadelphia; they are represent by UAW.  The shelter only accepts women and children in crisis. Due to space limitations, only these items can be accepted by the agency – all items must be NEW!  Financial donations are especially needed as public funding continues to drop.  Please consider running a donation drive at your union or workplace.

    Cloth Tote Bags; Women’s Clothing: Sweat & Yoga Pants, Bras & Underwear (all sizes); Kids clothing sizes 2T to 6/6X/7 (all gender expressions); Gift cards (No Wal-Mart!); Diapers (all sizes), Pull-ups, Wipes, Formula; Pacifiers; Toddlers Clothing for ages 1-8; Baby Carriers (front pouch kind, for hands-free baby transport); Toiletries (toothpaste, shampoo, lotion etc.); Tampons, Pads; Note Books, Blank Sketch Books (no lines), USB Drives, Blank Cards for Thank You Notes, Journals; Muslim garb for women: Hijab (head covering), Niqab (face covering), Abaya (over-garment);   

    Checks should be made payable to Women Against Abuse, and mailed to Philly CLUW, 22 S. 22nd Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103 or brought to the event.  Please ask your Union to donate too!  If you would like to donate but cannot come to the event, you may bring your items, prior to the event, to the same address. 

    Refreshments will be served.  50/50 Raffle.  The event is free and open to the public.  To RSVP or for more information, call or e-mail Laura Wentz, President of Philly CLUW, 215-588-5026, cluw.philly@gmail.com. Check out our website www.PhillyCLUW.org for updates on this and other events.


    Laura Wentz, President of Philly CLUW

    Vanessa Fields, Executive Board Member of Philly CLUW

    Philadelphia Concilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown (will stop in)

    Nicole Fuller, Executive VP of Philly CLUW and Moderator for this event

    Jeannine Lisitski, has been the Executive Director and President of Women Against Abuse, Inc. (WAA) since 2009.  WAA is the leading domestic violence advocate and service provider in Philadelphia and the largest in Pennsylvania. Women Against Abuse has a two-pronged mission of providing life-saving services to people experiencing domestic violence while leading the struggle to end domestic violence. Under Ms. Lisitski’s leadership, the agency has grown exponentially, doubling its emergency safe haven facilities, expanding its transitional housing capacity by 25%, creating 60 opportunities for permanent affordable housing with supports, quadrupling the number of clients receiving attorney representation, and reaching thousands of high-risk victims that were previously unaware of available supports and resources.  In addition, Ms. Lisitski led the creation of a citywide initiative to coordinate the community response to domestic violence.  This effort, Shared Safety: Philadelphia’s Response to Relational Violence, involves all health and human service agencies in the city and involves the collaboration of more than 80 individuals and groups.   


    Tracy Lewis is a Philadelphia Police Officer who currently has twenty years with the Department.  She spent eighteen years assigned to the 9th District, where she was recruited by her Captain to take on the position of Victim Assistance Officer, a role she embraced for thirteen of those years.  Two years ago she was transferred to the Victim Services Unit, where she currently serves as the citywide Victim Advocate, focusing on community outreach, interagency networking and training, and advocating for and providing resources to victims of crime in Philadelphia.  In addition, she serves as the Departmental liaison on multiple task forces and interagency partnerships focusing on victim related issues, including hate and bias crimes, senior abuse and exploitation, and community based advocacy.  Tracy will receive her Master of Science degree in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania in May, 2018, and spends her free time traveling with her family and constantly reminding her children not to leave their shoes lying around the house.  She is currently working to increase public visibility of victim centered Departmental programs.  She can most easily be reached via email (Tracy.Lewis@phila.gov) and Twitter (@PPDVictmSrvcs).

    Branwen McNabb is the Supervisor of the Family Violence & Sexual Assault Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. She has been an Assistant District Attorney since 2006.  During that time she has served in the Municipal Court Unit, the Juvenile Court Unit, the Felony Waiver Unit, and for the past ten years in the Family Violence & Sexual Assault Unit. Before becoming the Supervisor (a position formally known as Chief), Branwen McNabb served as the Assistant Chief of the Unit from May 2017 – January 2018. The Family Violence & Sexual Assault Unit prosecutes all cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, physical and sexual abuse of children, child pornography, human trafficking and Megan’s Law registration violations for the city of Philadelphia.

    Branwen earned her Honors Degree in Criminal Justice in three years, graduating summa cum laude from the University of Delaware in 2003.  She received a full academic scholarship to The Pennsylvania State University’s Dickinson School of Law. While at Dickinson, Branwen served on the editorial board of the Penn State Law Review, and competed on the National Trial Team.  During her 1L summer, she clerked for Justice Sandra Schultz Newman of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.  Branwen then served as a certified legal intern at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office during her 2L summer.  After graduating from Dickinson magna cum laude, Branwen began her career at the Philadelphia DA’s Office.

    State Representative Leanne Krueger-Braneky represents Pennsylvania’s 161st Legislative District in Delaware County. Leanne made history in 2015 as the first woman to represent the district. A progressive champion and tireless advocate for women, school kids, the environment, and working families, Leanne serves on the Appropriations, Environmental Resources & Energy, Labor & Industry, and Commerce committees in the Pennsylvania House. Prior to elected office, Leanne served as the first Executive Director of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia (SBN), and Senior Director of Strategy and Development at the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), an organization which supports over 50,000 locally-owned,  independent businesses across the country to create a stronger fairer economy. Under Leanne’s leadership, SBN played a large role in making the Philadelphia region the most sustainable in the nation, helping attract more federal green jobs funding than any other region in the United States. She has received local and national attention for her work in economic development and public policy. She has been invited to the White House Business Council on multiple occasions to advise the Obama Administration on the needs of local businesses.

    Dr. Leslie Dawn Callahan is Senior Pastor of the historic 120-year-old St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia, PA. She is the church’s first woman and fifth pastor. A native of Gary, West Virginia, Leslie earned her Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Harvard/Radcliffe, the Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Religion from Princeton University. She has served as Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at University of Pennsylvania and Assistant Professor of Modern Church History and African American Studies at New York Theological Seminary

    Dr. Callahan lends her voice and position of leadership in the church to advocate for social justice on all fronts, but particularly as it relates to the church being a place of healing and sanctuary. In a recent article entitled:“How Do We Keep Our Daughters, Our People Safe” # Me too & #Church too, Dr. Callahan explores the impact of sexual harassment and assault in the religious community and the church’s response to it, posing the question, “what will happen in and to the church when the reckoning comes’

    Dr. Callahan’s chief joy is being the proud mother of Annabelle Inez Callahan.

    Philly CLUW's 2017 Event:



    Wednesday October 11, 2017 - 5:30 p.m.    

    AFSCME DC 47 - 1606 Walnut Street, 3rd floor, Auditorium

    Philadelphia, PA 19103

    The recent public displays of the bigotry and racism that we all know exist in our communities is extremely disturbing. All this HATE has awakened a new wave of activists who have risen up with us to stand and resist with love and solidarity. CLUW members are determined to hold elected officials accountable for their actions and statements in response to the hatred and violence, and we will continue as feminists, unionists and civil and human rights activists to march, stand up, speak out and resist with all our power against the forces of evil that seek to divide our country and marginalize people of color, religious and sexual minorities, and all other oppressed people.

    In honor of Heather Heyer and those injured in Charlottesville Va., who were protesting bigotry, racism and hate, the speakers and discussion at this event will focus on non-violent ways to stand up to the white supremacists, anti-Semites, and all hatemongers.

    Our Panelists:

    Sheila E. Armstrong is a community organizer for POWER (Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower and Rebuild). POWER is a group of faith based leaders and members from all denominations. Sheila is a single mother of two boys who attend the Philadelphia Public School System. Sheila grew up in a poverty stricken, low income home. At a young age she was the victim of violence and abuse in her home.

    At the age of 18 Sheila went to a nursing assistant training program while attending GED classes on nights and weekends. She continued with her education and in 2007 graduated from Community College of Philadelphia.  But she didn’t stop there. In 2013 she graduated from the University of Phoenix with a Master’s Degree in Business.


    Erika Almiron Niz is the Executive Director of Juntos, a Latino immigrant community-led human rights organization based in Philadelphia, dedicated to fighting for the rights of our community on issues like education, immigration, and workers rights.

    She has been working on social justice issues for almost two decades including immigration, education reform, youth organizing, women’s health, gentrification and poverty. Born in South Philadelphia to immigrant parents from Paraguay, she spent most of her youth in Philadelphia or New York.   After college she worked to build organizations like the Media Mobilizing Project, the Philadelphia Student Union and the Mexico/US Border Program of the American Friends Service Committee.

    Since 2011 Erika has been working on local and national immigrant rights issues. She worked on developing campaigns and coalitions to create Sanctuary City policies, to shut down the Berks Detention Center, and she has worked both with the Not1More campaign and the Mijente national network to end deportations, and the criminalization of immigrants and Black and Brown folks.  Earlier this year she was named a Woman of the Year by the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization for Women.   In November, she will be one of four Legacy of Leadership honorees at Bread & Roses Community Fund’s 40th Anniversary Tribute to Change.

    In her spare time, Erika is a freelance photographer; her pictures have been published and exhibited over the last several years in Philadelphia and beyond.  She has documented prison conditions in South America, mountain top removal in West Virginia, homelessness in Harlem, and most recently she received the prestigious Leeway Foundation Award to document agricultural reform, land distribution and the landless movements in Brazil and Paraguay. 

    Moderator: Evette Jones,  Community Engagement Coordinator & Staff Rep of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers

    Women Against Abuse is the only union-staffed shelter in Philadelphia; they are represent by UAW.  The shelter only accepts women and children in crisis. Due to space limitations, only these items can be accepted by the agency – all items must be NEW!  Financial donations are especially needed as public funding continues to drop.  Please consider running a donation drive at your union or workplace.

    Muslim garb for women: Hijab (head covering), Niqab (face covering), Abaya (over-garment); Cloth Tote Bags; Women’s Clothing: Sweat & Yoga Pants, Bras & Underwear (all sizes); Gift cards (No Wal-Mart!); Diapers (all sizes), Pull-ups, Wipes, Formula; Pacifiers; Toddlers Clothing for ages 1-8; Baby Carriers (front pouch kind, for hands-free baby transport); Toiletries (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.); Tampons, Pads; Water Bottles; Hand Lotion; Nail Polish; Note Books, Blank Sketch Books (no lines), USB Drives, Portfolios, Blank Cards for Thank You Notes, Journals, Stress Balls. 

    Checks should be made payable to Women Against Abuse, and mailed to Philly CLUW, 22 S. 22nd Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103 or brought to the event.  Please ask your Union to donate too!  If you would like to donate but cannot come to the event, you may bring your items, prior to the event, to the same address. 

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